
South Africa: Majority of the Citizens Don’t Want a Covid Jab, Believe in Prayers

Amid the global pandemic, this news from South Africa is a bit surprising. In a situation, where countries are trying their level best to arrange Covid vaccines for their citizens, this country seems unbothered. We are well aware of the unavailability of COVID-19 vaccines globally. But here in this country, citizens believe more in prayers than a drug.

People in South Africa do Not Want to Get Vaccinated

According to a survey in South Africa, the majority of the citizens do not want to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The data suggests that only 10 percent of the country’s total population has received the first jab. Moreover, half of the population doesn’t even believe in taking jabs, they believe in prayers. 1,600 people responded to the survey. However, 21 percent of those 1600 people believe that vaccines and prayers are equally effective against COVID-19. Therefore, they would rather pray than getting inoculated.

Source: Financial Times

Who are those People who Believe in Prayers and Not Vaccines?

It’s not like all the people in South Africa believe in prayers only. Some people believe that COVID-19 vaccines are much more effective than prayers in curbing the transmission. However, that population in the country is quite low. Only 10 percent of the country’s population has received the first jab. Citizens who live in extreme poverty and those below 33 years of age are more hesitant to the COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover, people living in urban areas are also reluctant to the COVID-19 vaccines. On the other hand, people with no formal education are more likely to get vaccinated.

Very Few People have Received the COVID-19 Vaccines in the Country

The government of South Africa wants to inoculate at least one-third of its population before this year ends. But with the situation going on in the country, this target seems impossible to accomplish. As mentioned above, only 10 percent of the country’s total population has received the first dose of the vaccine. Moreover, according to the survey, the country’s citizens are self-aware regarding COVID-19. They have no faith in the government and that’s why they are reluctant to the vaccines.

Source: Financial Times

COVID-19 Situation in South Africa

So far, South Africa has reported more than 2.4 million COVID-19 infections and over 70,000 deaths. The COVID-19 Beta variant is said to have originated from the country. And that is the reason behind the country’s sudden surge in COVID-19 cases. Besides that, less than 3 million people in the country are fully vaccinated. Moreover, people do not trust vaccines.

Shiwangi Arya

Bonjour! I am Shiwangi Arya; an aspiring journalist, writer, orator, and above all a keen learner. My love for writing is beyond everything else. On the empty canvas of life, I wish to paint my imaginations. My dreams are sky high and my ambitions even higher.